Use Facebook Okey
Facebook Okey User's Guide
5 Minutes Gang Wars Cheats
Favorite trick I always do, and gang wars, an energy health durability is increased 5 min ..
fight every 5 minutes or when full 45, for example, point to Tasks, and hold the F5 Button artar.yukardaki hours in times of 30 seconds will leave the health and durability of the energy that is going on floors 5in.
PetVille Cheats and Hints
Farmville scored a great success by Facebook game developer Zynga social network game, the last day a new game called PetVille presented to users.
Of course, the new one is developed by Zynga Zynga PetVille Social Games, Game Company, each of his social game, unfortunately do not match. Of course most of them known Farmville, Zynga Poker, World Cafe, FishVille .. Full screen PetVille us for this company we were Dispiritörü Turkey Turkey think that popular market.
According to the statement made by this company PetVille, Facebook users have created to look after pets and allows them to deal with bigger and giyimleriyle. Players can also visit friends in-game homes.
FarmVille 70 million compared to the number of active users in a matter of fact the introduction PetVille'in was not bad. PetVille, debuted users only reached the number 1 day after the 1250 players and 400 fans.PetVille'in the current number of over 2,000 fans. Zynga's Facebook site in the success of other games Insofar, PetVille'in reach success is not too difficult to predict.
If you are interested in the social games you play and Farmville PetVille'i a try.
Mafia Wars
Zynga was founded in July 2007 with the vision of connecting the world through play. Since then we have fun and play with their friends to do for the people and committed to the process of social games social games the web has become the biggest developer. Zynga games provide a platform for players to express themselves with their friends and create deep social connections. Casino games, role playing games that ranged from a catalog, our game can be found in most social networks, group and on the iPhone
Look at the invitation of my friends even as gang wars for the girdim.Aynı tıpkısı diyebiliriz.Ama stopper in this building, hotel, making places such as street corner one day yok.Bunda var.Ben empire stuck almost 9 level only 1 hour total does oldum.Oynadığımda yani.Anlacağınız enter, start the game with a member of the same facebook. Then you can learn by examining the things there.
Alma Villa, and other items Farmville
Program, and other items FİDDLER2 VILLA ALMA
66.sayfada christiyan fiddler2 friend program, gamesettings xml editliyecegimizi told how good he going to explain why in detail
The first dairyfarm need us. dairyfarmı're getting into, and then taking a two cows.
code, a change in the
code to find the villa
34 1000000
instead of
34 0
then we find dairyfarmı
redLevel> 2
Locate the code make the following changes
when we entered the game and receive zero pounds and taking into dairyfarmın villa do not do anything until I look forward to the game play error refresh refresh refresh after error message box click okay and the game again and you'll see that in dairyfarmın villa villa villa not seem to remove out of that place again, refresh the villa you will see buraktıgınız. then removed out of the program no longer need to duplicate without the villa villa villa dairyfarma t you put 2 pieces again and again refresh and error will be okay, he then put the program without having to constantly make it easy to make your villa çogaltabilirsiniz.bu application, other items come in a G-space if Take pmden message
Get your own Giftini Kendin Farm Ville
Get yourself your own giftini, tree fast way to fill
I previously posted about our gamesettings.xml fiddler2 through programs at the file with the play presents a small convenience store, select the event yourself, without paying a fee you can add your own tree to.
fiddler2 program you need to do there to save the file to your computer via gamesettings.xml
buyable row = false article
buyable = true change. located immediately beneath them, making them100 values 0 as we change.
This process of change in the file other present_2, presenet_3 ....presenet_10 to change the titles. so 0 (zero) pounds while the 5 types of gifts are normally sent to your friends, select from 10 different free gifts add ağacımıza.
to be considered, from the market after selecting a gift, to any location in the field koymayıp, directly into the tree, leave a gift. otherwise accustomed to warning page refresh.
fiddler2 how to use the program, from how to obtain and file with information about changes to be made
Add top Back to the top field
For those who want bread on top of the field;
Required programs;
1. Firefox
2. Fiddler2 program ( )
process on top of bread;
NOTE: Before making this process there are tarlanızı veterinarian. Max, in an area of normal-sized 15x20 küçültünüz. Please reduce the size of this area is 1200 square planting area. October, 1999 is the limit on top of the field. If you pass this limit, the more able to operate an application on Farmville. But it does not belong to me I try to help with problems arising from liability, symptom
information by counting inirdiğimiz fiddler2 our computer program from scratch. we want this program to the computer by scanning incoming and outgoing data on the file allows you to make changes.
After installing the program open. fiddler2 program open firefox to open our program to enter into Farmville. Farmville fiddler2 screen comes and then completely açıldıkdan
1. coming and going to the computer screen you will see a lot of the file.there "gamesettings.xml" file. (If you do not have the file URL to clear the cache of Firefox and restart firefox u enter to Farmville).gamesettings.xml double click the file. (The picture number 1)
2. the right side of the screen (marked with number 2 in the open) 3 number is marked with "TextView" to click on.
3. After the lower-right corner of the screen click on "view in notepad, you will see" (number 4 in the illustration). click on it. encounter will be opened in notepad screen. and in the fully equipped "gamesettings you will see".
4. Now save this file to the computer's desktop with the same name.(Also accepts a different name, but then remember when he would suggest eğiştirmemeniz to confuse)
5. kapatmıyoruz opened the file with notepad. Notepad program is in the "find" (search) command without quotes "blackberries" aratıyoruz.The first thing it finds " will be a line like. slightly below the line 4 and 4You will see the line. 4 s 1 are making over there and save the file and closing.
6. fiddler2 program back to
7. at the top of the screen, "Autoresponder" section click on (number 1 in the picture below)
8. just below the "enable automatic responses" to be marked in providing. (Number 2 in the picture below) (also marked just below the box. Will be marked)
9. the left side of the screen "gamesettings.xml" drag and drop the file on the right side will leave the area (figure 3 numbers)
10. drag the file will appear on the right side of the screen. click on it once and from below by clicking on the ground marked with number 5, "find a file" call.
11. Locate and select the file with notepad, just open the file on the desktop and fiddler2 screen (figure 6 number) "save" call.
12. fiddler2 program to keep the screen open in the background. We're coming into firefox. Farmville application, delete and re-launch of Firefox cachesini.
13. you delete a field, soil build the soil. (Only 1 soil) and the field created the product page and select blackberies We're sowing the land.yes no land shrank.
Important note: planting process and start the next one on the bottom corner next to continue. topağınızı Please reduce the field again, "to play the" you have to say. Farmville what is there, so even though considerably reduced in the logic of the program still sees itself as an area of 4x4 pixels. that reason, "play" to zorunluyuz. (See picture below)
As shown in the picture just above the field and planting process can not scaled. When reresh page or "play" to the process of putting the soil when you get there you will see we could do. We're sowing the earth again and again put on the field that way. When you put on top of 4 frames, and you can put a square on top right side hemde. would be increased so that at the same time put the number of frames.
may seem a bit laborious, but when you hold in your hands this way, "item" lerden never hurt anyone, you do not have to delete anything.reduction process and close your site after completing the program and the system up in fiddler2. (More later can handle confusing). When you see that on top of your system, uninstall tarlanızın. Do not put anything too close to the field after the field finished. receive alert on page refresh.
is guaranteed to be 100%. şahsıma article belongs entirely in the meantime, not a copy from somewhere else. I try to help with questions. come easy.
- A few friend on the message I get from the edit: -
Do not put anything too close to the field considerably reduced, indicated that he may receive the warning on page refresh. As can be seen resimdede like to mention the following, we see this as a considerably reduced thanks to fiddler2 frames. powerdown program that will be great fiddler and overlapping squares will be in a position.this reason, a regular square (4x4 pixels) of the placement as far as you please.
Farmville Unlimited Fuel
Unlimited Fuel
Enter the Mozilla Firefoxdan Farmville.
Cheat Engine to launch the program ..
Cheat to choose Firefox Enginee ..
Cheat Enginee Scan Type,''''Do the Array of Bytes.
60? ? 46? ? Search for 00 73 63 ..
4-Option will take 1.sine touch down on 2,3 and 4 ü ..
02 02 02 02 02 02 24 00 63 Change As ...
Ok Computer
Note: Do not buy one if i do not run down
Program page:
Update download link: