Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Adding video limit

1280 pixels long side of the video is limited. Two of the videos under the direction of this maximum re-ölçeklendirmiyoruz.
The aspect ratio of 9:16 (0.5625) and 16:9 (1.7777) must be between. The aspect ratio of videos will not be accepted outside of this range.
Uploaded the video frame rate, maximum 30fps (frames per second) provided that the original video that will be about the same. The original video frame rate is variable, the average frame rate to try to keep the original. The original file can not determine the frame rate, try to set 30fps. Lowering the frame rate you need to make sure only integers düşürdüğümüze. As a result, the original videos with a relatively high frame rate, frame rate conversion result may have a maximum frame rates below 30fps. For example, if a video frame rate of 100fps, with 4 factors will be at 25fps düşürüleceğinden.
If you have more than one video or audio stream the video, the first video and audio stream to be used and discarded the rest. Meta-data, and subtitles will be ignored.
Voice private:
Stereo and mono-flows will be the number of audio channels. 5.1-channel audio, stereo converted. Other channel configurations are not supported none.
Sound, close to the original file, depending on which of the sampling rate 22.050hz to or 44.100hz to (hertz), re-sampled. 

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